Wavefront Angle Retrieval Processing
Our patented optical technology offers performance and versatility by getting more data out of every image.
Collect richer data

Traditional optical microscopes measure the intensity of the light absorbed and/or scattered by your sample. Often, however, samples contain small and subtle features that neither absorb nor scatter light particularly strongly, resulting in weak contrast.

By measuring how the sample bends the light (i.e. mapping its refraction), WARP technology opens the door to new measurement capabilities:

  • Visualising smaller and more subtle features in samples
  • Labelling features based on local composition and/or density
  • Creating 3D maps of thickness and height

What’s more, WARP operates in full colour, giving even deeper insight into every sample.

Unmatched versatility

Because WARP gives you a much more complete description of how light interacts with your sample, it also means you can replicate every other optical microscopy mode without any additional filters, condensers, or specialty illumination.

Currently, Z1 includes built-in options for visualising:

  • Colour bright-field, perfect for larger and/or stained features.
  • Phase contrast, for weakly-absorbing features, such as mammalian cells
  • Differential interference contrast (DIC), for resolving fine structures, such as within e.g. zebrafish embryos
  • WARP magnitude, when fine structure are also expected to demonstrate spectral dispersion

Every contrast mode is included in every WARP measurement, giving you complete flexibility whenever it’s needed – even after you’ve already finished the measurement!

Select Imaging mode: TISSUE SAMPLE
Bright field
Phase contrast
WARP-enabled microscopes
Optimise your workflow in minutes with an intuitive design and seamless automation
Automation Icon
Full automation

CLAIR Z1 saves you from repetitive microscopy tasks via its complete automation capabilities and compatibility with standard 85x125 mm well-plates.

Our intuitive touchscreen interface lets you easily create automated routines for nearly every measurement imaginable:

  • High throughput screening – just 2 minutes for a 96-well plate.
  • Time-lapse imaging, from seconds to days (or even weeks).
  • Z-stacking for high depth of field or 3D measurements.
  • Grid-scanning to increase field-of-view, including full-slide scanning
  • Custom macro scans of user-defined positions
Integrated Everything Icon
Integrated Everything

Gone are the days of a lab bench covered in monitors, keyboards PCs and illumination sources – CLAIR Z1 has everything built-in.

The touchscreen and its intuitive UI gives you a live view of the sample and lets you navigate the full sample plate, focus precisely and capture images as you need. Alternatively, you can set up an automated measurement and walk away.

By freeing you of all the usual peripherals associated with high-end microscopy, we give you more space to work in and fewer components to maintain. Over-the-air software updates means your instrument will always be in tip-top shape. All you need to do is take it out of the box and switch it on.

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API Control

When you’re ready to start pushing the limits, our secure REST API elevates automation by enabling script-driven control for defining and starting measurements, adjusting camera settings, capturing and downloading images, moving samples plates and managing both auto- and manual focus.

This suite of features streamlines your workflow, ensuring precision and efficiency in every task. At the same time, you’ll get access to the latest images and feedback from the instrument from the comfort of your office with the built-in protected Windows network share.

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CLAIR Z1 is designed for standard 85 x 125 mm multi-well assay plates, but there’s no reason that should limit you.

We’ve created a series of open-source sample adapters that you download and produce yourself with an ordinary 3D printer. If our designs don’t fit your requirements, just modify them. To-date, we’ve seen our users create adapters for petri dishes, slides, paint samples and fluid cells. We look forward to seeing what you come up with!

Check out our designs here, designed using the Onshape CAD package.

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